How Big Data is Changing the Healthcare Industry

How Big Data is Changing the Healthcare Industry

In today’s tech-driven era, the healthcare sector is constantly blooming at a more rapid rate. And, along with that, the requirement to manage patient care and inventive medicine has increased. With the rise in such trends, cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data Analytics are being

The Role of IoT in COVID-19 Response

The Role of IoT in COVID-19 Response

Nowadays, the whole world is fighting with the same enemy and trying their level best to embrace and muster accessible resources at their disposal. By doing so, they are making every best effort to deploy avant-garde technologies such as IoT and AI to mitigate the

How IoT Contrivance Work in Different Application Areas

How IoT Contrivance Work in Different Application Areas

By connecting all the things in the world, IoT is the logical culmination of the cyber world itself. We can already optically discern its effects on our lives and businesses, but the incipient year promises even more astronomically immense evolution. What is IoT? The Cyber

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